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Butch Harmon Shows an Easy Way To Hit Better Chip Shots

Are you struggling with your chip shots around the green? Well, Butch Harmon has got you covered! In this informative video by Golf Digest, Butch Harmon demonstrates an easy way to start hitting better chip shots. He identifies the common problem of the “yips,” where the left arm stops and the right hand takes over during the chip. He shows how this affects the shot, often resulting in poor contact with the ball. But don’t worry, Butch has a simple solution for you – just let go of the club with your right hand and keep your left arm going. By doing this, you can overcome the yips and improve your chip shots. So, get ready to step up your chipping game with the helpful tips from Butch Harmon in Golf Digest’s video.

Golf Digest is your go-to destination for all things golf. From the annual Hot List to instructional videos, news, and trends, Golf Digest is the definitive source for golf enthusiasts. Don’t miss out on Butch Harmon’s easy way to hit better chip shots. Take advantage of the expert advice in this video and start improving your game today.

Butch Harmon Shows an Easy Way To Hit Better Chip Shots


Chip shots are an essential part of the game of golf, especially when it comes to getting the ball close to the hole from around the green. However, many golfers struggle with these shots, experiencing what is commonly known as “the yips.” Butch Harmon, a renowned golf instructor, has provided valuable advice and techniques to help golfers overcome the yips and improve their chip shots. In this article, we will explore the definition of chip shots, the impact of the yips on these shots, common mistakes made during chip shots, the consequences of the yips, Butch Harmon’s advice for better chip shots, proper setup and technique, practicing chip shots, and the benefits of Butch Harmon’s method.

What are chip shots?

Definition of chip shots

Chip shots, in golf, refer to short shots played from just off the green, intended to lift the ball into the air for a brief period before it rolls towards the hole. These shots require precision and control to accurately position the ball near the target.

Importance of chip shots in golf

Chip shots are a crucial aspect of golf as they allow players to navigate the various obstacles around the green, such as bunkers and rough. A well-executed chip shot can greatly improve a golfer’s score by setting up an easier putt for a potential par or birdie.

Understanding the yips

Definition of the yips

The yips in golf are a phenomenon where a golfer experiences involuntary muscle spasms or jerks, commonly occurring during the execution of short and delicate shots. This can cause a loss of control and consistency, leading to poor performance.

Impact of the yips on chip shots

When a golfer has the yips, their left arm tends to freeze during a chip shot, causing them to rely more on their right hand. This freezing and scooping motion negatively affect the technique and contact with the ball, resulting in inconsistent shots. Golfers often experience bone or fat shots, where the club strikes the ground before making contact with the ball or completely misses the ball.

The common mistakes during chip shots

Freezing of the left arm

One common mistake golfers make during chip shots is the freezing of the left arm. The yips cause the left arm to cease its natural motion, leading to a breakdown in the swinging sequence. This freezing reduces the golfer’s ability to control the club and results in a loss of power, accuracy, and consistency.

Scooping with the right hand

Another mistake golfers with the yips make is scooping at the ball with their right hand. Due to the instability caused by the freezing left arm, players often rely on their dominant hand to try and salvage the shot. However, this scooping motion disrupts the proper impact position and reduces the effectiveness of the chip shot.

Butch Harmon Shows an Easy Way To Hit Better Chip Shots

The consequences of the yips

Inconsistent chip shots

The yips greatly affect a golfer’s ability to achieve a consistent contact point and control the trajectory of their chip shots. Without a smooth swing and proper technique, the ball’s flight path becomes unpredictable, leading to inconsistent results.

Hitting the ball fat or thin

When experiencing the yips, golfers often hit the ball fat, where the club strikes the ground before making contact with the ball, or thin, where the club makes contact with the top portion of the ball. Both of these contact errors result in a loss of distance, control, and accuracy.

Butch Harmon’s advice for better chip shots

Letting go of the right hand

To overcome the yips and improve chip shots, Butch Harmon advises golfers to let go of the club with their right hand during the swing. By doing so, the focus shifts to maintaining the motion of the left arm and minimizing reliance on the right hand. This helps to eliminate the scooping and freezing tendencies that contribute to the yips.

Continuing the motion of the left arm

Harmon emphasizes the importance of allowing the left arm to continue its natural motion throughout the chip shot. By keeping the left arm moving, the golfer maintains the proper sequencing of the swing and ensures a clean and consistent strike on the ball.

Butch Harmon Shows an Easy Way To Hit Better Chip Shots

Proper setup and technique for chip shots

Ball position

For chip shots, the ball should be positioned slightly back in the stance, closer to the right foot for right-handed golfers. This allows for a steeper angle of attack and promotes a clean strike on the ball.

Hand position

To achieve a solid chip shot, it is crucial to have the hands positioned ahead of the ball at address. This forward hand position helps to ensure a descending blow and prevents the club from digging into the turf prematurely.

Club selection

Choosing the right club is essential for chip shots. Typically, a higher lofted club, such as a pitching wedge or sand wedge, is ideal for most chip shots. However, specific situations may require different club selections to achieve the desired trajectory and distance.

Importance of weight transfer

Proper weight transfer during a chip shot is vital for generating power and maintaining balance. As the golfer swings, they should shift their weight onto the front foot, allowing for a controlled downward strike on the ball.

Practicing chip shots

Importance of practice

Improving chip shots requires consistent practice and repetition. Through regular practice, golfers can develop muscle memory and improve their ability to execute chip shots with precision and confidence.

Recommended drills

Butch Harmon suggests several drills to help golfers overcome the yips and improve their chip shots. One drill involves hitting chip shots with only the left hand, focusing on the proper motion and control of the left arm. Another drill is the “one-handed chipping drill” where golfers alternate between using only their left hand and only their right hand to chip the ball. These drills help to reinforce the correct sequencing and eliminate any unwanted movements.

Developing consistency

Consistency in chip shots can be achieved through dedicated practice focused on maintaining a stable and repeatable technique. By consistently working on the proper setup, hand position, left arm motion, weight transfer, and utilizing targeted drills, golfers can develop a dependable chip shot that will enhance their performance on the course.

Butch Harmon Shows an Easy Way To Hit Better Chip Shots

Benefits of Butch Harmon’s method

Increased accuracy

By following Butch Harmon’s advice and techniques, golfers can improve their accuracy with chip shots. Letting go of the right hand and focusing on the motion of the left arm promotes a more controlled and reliable swing, resulting in accurate shots around the green.

Improved distance control

The yips often result in inconsistent and unpredictable distances with chip shots. However, by implementing Harmon’s method, golfers can achieve better distance control. The emphasis on proper technique and eliminating unwanted movements leads to more consistent contact and more precise control over the distance the ball travels.

Reduced yips

Butch Harmon’s method offers a solution to golfers struggling with the yips. By releasing the right hand and allowing the left arm to continue its natural motion, golfers can break free from the freezing and scooping tendencies that often contribute to the yips. This leads to improved technique and increased confidence in chip shots.


Chip shots are an essential aspect of golf, requiring precision, control, and consistency. However, the yips can greatly hinder a golfer’s ability to perform well in these shots. Butch Harmon’s advice and techniques provide a valuable approach to overcoming the yips and improving chip shots. By focusing on letting go of the right hand, continuing the motion of the left arm, maintaining proper setup and technique, and practicing consistently, golfers can develop a more accurate and dependable chip shot. Through improved accuracy, distance control, and reduced yips, golfers can elevate their game and achieve better results on the course.


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