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The Best Putting Tip Ever! (No Joke – Try It)

If you’re on the hunt for the best putting tip ever, then look no further! And trust me, this is no joke. As someone who used to be a phenomenal putter, I can tell you that this tip truly works wonders. It involves being target oriented rather than focusing on your stroke. Practice is key, and don’t worry if you hit a rough patch with your putting. Just remember that you’ve found the best putting tip ever and it will help you get back on track. This tip has been tested and proven by many golfers, so why not give it a try? Once you do, be sure to leave your comment below to let me know how it worked for you.

Now, let me share my own experience with you. I used to spend countless hours practicing my putting, both at the golf course and at home with a clever invention of my own called the Puttacup. This device turned my floor heating vent into a real golf hole, allowing me to practice indoors. I was dedicated and became a phenomenal putter, sinking an impressive 56 putts in a row from 15 feet away. I even won a putting competition against the best putter in Florida, pocketing $50 and leaving him in awe. With my years of experience, I can confidently say that this is the best putting tip ever. So go ahead, give it a try, and get ready to amaze yourself with your improved putting skills!

The Best Putting Tip Ever! (No Joke – Try It)

The Best Putting Tip Ever! (No Joke - Try It)


If you’re searching for the best putting tip ever, look no further. This is not a joke; I have personally experienced incredible success with this technique. As a former phenomenal putter, I dedicated hours of practice to improve my putting skills. I spent a minimum of one hour on the course and an additional three hours at home, using an indoor putting cup I called the Puttacup.

Throughout my golfing journey, I realized that every golfer encounters challenges with their putting at some point. When putts aren’t going in, it’s easy to start overthinking your stroke. However, I soon discovered that focusing on your stroke is the worst thing you can do. To truly excel as a putter, you must adopt a target-oriented mindset. This, my friends, is the best putting tip that will transform your game. Don’t believe me? Give it a try and witness the results for yourself.

I understand how frustrating it can be when your putting game is not at its best. But fear not! Now that you have found what I consider the best putting tip ever, you can always refer back to it whenever you need a refresher. I came up with this putting drill many years ago and it has been consistently tested on numerous golfers, all of whom have reported remarkable improvement and success. So, do yourself a favor and give this tip a try. Once you do, leave your comment below to help me prove that becoming target-oriented is the key to becoming a great putter.

The Importance of Being Target Oriented

When it comes to putting, many golfers mistakenly focus solely on their stroke. However, my experience has taught me that fixating on your stroke can hinder your performance. Instead, the key to great putting lies in being target oriented.

Think about it – when you’re trying to make a putt, constantly obsessing over your stroke mechanics can cause tension and negatively affect your ability to gauge the correct speed and line. By shifting your focus from the stroke to the target, you can free up your mind and execute smoother, more natural strokes. This change in mindset is what will ultimately lead to improved putting performance.

The Puttacup: A Game-Changer for Putting Practice

One of the tools that has greatly contributed to my success as a phenomenal putter is the Puttacup – an invention of mine that revolutionizes putting practice. The Puttacup is a device that fits into the floor heating vent and provides you with a real golf hole in the comfort of your own home.

By practicing with the Puttacup, you can simulate real putting conditions and develop a consistent stroke. When I was honing my putting skills, I spent up to three additional hours every day practicing with the Puttacup. This dedication, combined with the realistic practice environment it provided, played a significant role in my ability to become a phenomenal putter.

Furthermore, the Puttacup allows for indoor practice, making it an ideal tool for golfers who live in areas with colder climates or inclement weather. So, even when you can’t make it to the golf course, you can still work on your putting game at home.

Personal Success with the Best Putting Tip

My personal records as a putter speak for themselves. At a distance of 15 feet, I sunk an impressive 56 putts in a row. In a nine-hole putting competition, I even managed to sink three balls consecutively from 48 feet out, ultimately winning six out of nine holes. One of my most memorable achievements was defeating a renowned putter in Florida, winning $50 off him in the process. In a fit of frustration, he snapped his putter over his leg and stormed off the green. These accomplishments were the result of my unwavering dedication to practicing and implementing the best putting tip.

The Best Putting Tip Ever! (No Joke - Try It)

Testimonials from Other Golfers

My success with the best putting tip is not unique; other golfers have experienced remarkable improvements in their putting performance as well. Countless golfers who have tried this technique have shared positive feedback, validating the effectiveness of the tip. They have reported significant improvements in their ability to read greens, judge distances, and sink putts consistently.

For instance, one golfer shared that after implementing the target-oriented approach, their confidence on the greens skyrocketed, and they were able to putt without overthinking their strokes. Another golfer praised the tip’s simplicity and how easy it was to incorporate into their pre-shot routine. These testimonials serve as a testament to the efficacy of the best putting tip ever.

Step-by-Step Guide: The Wiggle Drill

Now, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide of the best putting tip: the Wiggle Drill. This drill will help you become target-oriented and transform your putting game.

  1. Stand over the ball with your putter in a comfortable, relaxed grip.
  2. Instead of obsessing over the perfect stroke, wiggle the putter gently back and forth a couple of times.
  3. Once you’ve completed the wiggle, smoothly execute the putt, focusing on the target and allowing your natural instincts to guide the stroke.
  4. Practice the Wiggle Drill both indoors and outdoors, varying the distances and slopes of your putts to improve your adaptability and feel.

This drill may seem unconventional at first, but that’s part of its brilliance. By incorporating the wiggle, you are redirecting your attention from the mechanics of your stroke to the target. This shift in focus allows you to develop a more fluid and intuitive putting stroke.

Golfer on putting practice green

Why the Wiggle Drill Works

You might be wondering why the Wiggle Drill is so effective. The answer lies in the connection between the wiggle and target orientation.

When you wiggle the putter, you engage your mind in the act of moving the putter towards the target. By intentionally focusing on the target during the wiggle and ensuing putt, you train your brain to prioritize target orientation over stroke mechanics. This mental shift enables you to putt with more confidence and precision.

It’s important to trust the process and embrace the simplicity of the Wiggle Drill. It goes against the conventional notions of the perfect stroke, but it is precisely that departure from traditional thinking that makes it so effective. Give it a try and witness the remarkable improvement in your putting game.

Sharing the Tip with Others

I have had the opportunity to share this best putting tip with fellow golfers throughout my career. Whether I was working in the pro shop or playing alongside amateur golfers, I have consistently recommended the Wiggle Drill with incredible results.

Countless golfers who were struggling with their putting and looking for guidance have implemented this tip and experienced significant breakthroughs. The beauty of this technique is its simplicity, making it easy to explain and demonstrate to other golfers.

In fact, professional golfer Rory McIlroy could greatly benefit from incorporating this tip into his putting practice. So, Rory, if you’re listening, give the Wiggle Drill a shot!

The Best Putting Tip Ever! (No Joke - Try It)

Try It and Leave Your Comments

Now it’s time for you to give the best putting tip ever a try. Head out to the putting green, set up your Puttacup at home, or find a flat surface where you can practice the Wiggle Drill. Putt with a target-oriented mindset, keeping your attention focused on the target rather than your stroke mechanics.

After you’ve put this tip into action, I encourage you to leave your comments below. Share your experience and the positive impact this best putting tip has had on your game. Your success story will serve as further evidence of the effectiveness of becoming target oriented as a putter.


In conclusion, the best putting tip ever is centered around being target oriented rather than obsessing over your stroke. By shifting your focus from the mechanics of your stroke to the target at hand, you unlock your true potential as a great putter.

Throughout my career, I have seen firsthand the power of this tip. With dedication, practice, and the aid of the Puttacup, I have achieved outstanding results as a putter. Countless golfers who have incorporated the Wiggle Drill into their practice routines have also experienced significant improvements in their putting performance.

I invite you to join the ranks of successful putters by embracing the target-oriented approach. Give the Wiggle Drill a try and witness the transformation in your putting game. Your feedback, comments, and testimonials will help us spread the word about the best putting tip ever. So, go ahead, be target oriented, and sink those putts like never before!


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